People gallery

  • About 20 Permanent staff (academic researchers and teachers, technical and administrative staff);
  • About 25 members on short-term contracts (post-doctoral and project researchers, education and technical officers, Masters students on projects, etc.);
  • 25 Doctoral students (in all fields of ecological economics, eco-innovation and territorial development studies);
  • And a network of more than 50 International Scientific Associates around the world.
photofull namesort descendingprofile
AFERE Israel Olusola

Obtained bachelors degree in Production engineering from the University of Reims, before engaging in the Master M2 research-oriented programme "Ecological Economics & Integrated Environmental Assessment" (EE&AIE ) at REEDS, UVSQ.  I am interested in eco-innovations solutions to environmental problems while creating of economics opportunities.

AFRAM Isaac OheneHe is interested in Ecological economics; resource and environmental economics; environmental policy; climate change; wetland and wildlife conservation policy. Isaac relocated to REEDS UVSQ after his Master 1 in Mathematical Models In Economics and Finance at the University of Paris1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. Prior to obtaining his master’s degree, Isaac was a Physics teacher at O.T.S.H.S. Ghana. In addition to his teaching responsibilities Isaac worked with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science...
AKPLA MELAINE CORINE K.  Etudiante dans le programme M1 Gestion des Territoires, des Risques et de l'Environnement de la Mention GETEDELO, à l'Université Paris-Saclay, avec les partenaires pédagogiques UVSQ (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), AgroParis Tech, et l'Université Paris-Sud. Licence en Agronomie: Economie et Sociologie Rurales, à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques Agronomiques de Kétou (Bénin).  A aussi étudié le japonais à Kyoritsu Women's University (Japan).  
ALLAL Samir Samir ALLAL is a Senior Lecturer in economics at the UVSQ (now a part of the Université Paris Saclay) and is a specialist in economics, politics and energy.  ...
AMORSI NatachaNatacha AMORSI specialises in the socio-economics and environment. She is the Project Manager for the International Office for Water for various French institutions (water agencies, MEEDDM, ONEMA) and European institutions (DG environment). After the coordination of the first European network of research managers linked to water (IWRN-Net), Natacha is today in charge of supporting the work placement of the scientific/political interface (ad hoc group of the Common Implementation Strategy of...
ANDREONI ValeriaDr. Valeria ANDREONI is Lecturer in Economics in the LHU Business School and Director of the Socio-Economic Research Centre at Hope (SERCH)....
ANTONOV Borislav Borislav ANTONOV graduated from INSEEC Business School in International Business Strategy. Very early during his studies, he became interested in helping integrate sustainable development into core business strategy. He thus finished a Sustainability Minor at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark and subsequently worked as a consultant in sustainable development on behalf of large French companies. Member of Net Impact, an international nonprofit inspiring, educating, and equipping...
ARAUJO FabiolaFabiola ARAUJO est Ingénieur Environnement depuis 2007 (à l'université FUMEC - Fondation Mineira d'Education et Culture - Brésil), avec une expérience acquise dans différentes organismes brésiliens. Diplômée en France du master «Géo-risques et Informations Environnementales» à l'UPEMLV, et du DU «Évolution de la Qualité de l'Environnement, risques et atteintes de la santé liées à l'environnement» à l'UVSQ elle a pu se spécialiser dans le volet santé de la problématique de pollutions...
ARMAND TaniaTania ARMAND is a PhD student at REEDS. After initial studies in Italy she was awarded a Master in Chemical and Environmental Pollution from the Paris XI University and a Master in Sustainability Science Tools and Techniques: Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development from the UVSQ. This double competence in sciences and social sciences allowed her to work in the field of sustainable development, by participating actively in the elaboration of two reports on...
Arnaud Adrien

Hi there

AUBRY ChloéJe suis titulaire d'un DUT Génie chimique - Génie des procédés ( UVSQ ) et d'une Licence de Physique ( UPMC - Université Paris 6 ). Ayant obtenu mon Master 1 Ingénierie du développement durable au sein de l'UVSQ en 2014, je suis actuellement dans le parcours professionnel du Master 2  Médiation des connaissances environnementales - Partenariat pour le développement durable, proposé par la même université, sur le site de la Bergerie nationale de Rambouillet. Mon projet professionnel...
AUDET RenéRené AUDET est sociologue de l’environnement, titulaire d’un Ph.D. en sociologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal et d’un M.Sc en environnement de la même université. Ses recherches portent sur les transformations institutionnelles et discursives se matérialisant au croisement de la crise écologique et de la mondialisation. Il a publié sur l’institutionnalisation des certifications de l’agriculture alternative, les négociations internationales sur le commerce et sur le climat, sur la mise...
AYDIN Cem-IskenderCem Iskender AYDIN is a PhD student within the REEDS research team. He holds two master degrees: one in Economics of Natural Resources, Environment and Agriculture (ERNEA) from the Toulouse School of Economics (Class of 2010/2011) and another in Economic Theory from Bogazici University (class of 2009 / 2010). His thesis "Environmental Justice and Climate Change: Operationalizing cross-scale governance for energy production using multi-criteria, multi-stakeholder evaluation methods” is...
BADDACHE Farid Farid BADDACHE, MBA in Social Sciences from the Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, Alumnus of ESSEC Business School, is Adjunct Professor at the UVSQ, where he intercedes on matters of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Master SETE principally with the strength of more than ten years experience in strategy and management of the CSR in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Farid brings his international expertise to the Paris office of...
BAILLY GuillaumeGuillaume BAILLY obtained a PhD in Geography at the University of Rouen under the supervision of Michel Bussi. He was in charge of research and courses at the University of Rouen as well as project manager at the National Park of la Vanoise. The work he has conducted until now concerns his thesis and research programmes in which he has taken part around three main axes: the politics of town and country planning and forms of inter-community cooperation in France, risk management, territorial...
Baron Gaultier

I am a 23 years old student in the first-year Master's programme "Governance of Territories, Risks and the Environment. I live in France next to Paris.

Before my Master, I have obtained a bachelors degree in economics. After a first degree  in corporate and administrative management, I then decided to do a degree of "économie sociale et solidaire" with the aim to have a human vision of economics.

BAZTAN JuanJUAN BAZTAN a travaillé pendant dix ans sur l'impact du climat dans l’évolution du remplissage des océans, avec une attention particulière aux processus d’érosion et de sédimentation qui façonnent le paysage de la côte à l’océan profond. Depuis 4 ans, il a élargi son champ de recherche à l'ensemble des disciplines en sciences de la mer et Il coordonne l’organisation Marine Sciences For Society, ONG qui centre ses travaux sur l'amélioration du dialogue entre les sciences de la mer et l...
BEKKARI AliaAlia BEKKARI est architecte diplômée de l’Ecole Nationale d’Architecture ( ENA ) de Rabat ( Maroc ) depuis 1994. Elle a obtenu en Novembre 2009 un master « Patrimoine et Métiers du Patrimoine » délivré en cotutelle par l’ENA(Rabat ) et l’Ecole de Chaillot (Paris). Elle a réalisé son travail de fin d’étude sur un ancien hôpital militaire de l’époque coloniale qu’elle a reconverti en hôtel « Resort », se souciant alors de développement durable. Parallèlement à ses études, Alia BEKKARI a occupé...
BELLINI BéatriceBéatrice BELLINI is a Lecturer in Management Science at the UVSQ. Her specialty concerns the management of sustainable development at the level of corporate and local authority: environmental management systems (such as ISO14001), integrated management systems (SMI), and frames of reference for sustainable development such as Agenda 21 or ISO26000 (a new norm for corporate social responsibility). She also works on responsible consumption, notably from the product approach in the matter of eco...
BERLAND MélanieMélanie BERLAND est urbaniste, diplômée d'un master professionnel en aménagement du territoire et urbanisme et d'un master recherche ville et territoire, prospective et développement durable à l'Institut d'Urbanisme et d'Aménagement de la Sorbonne Paris IV. Elle est doctorante en économie et urbanisme durable au REEDS sous la direction du professeur Sylvie Faucheux et sous la direction du professeur António Da Cunha à l'observatoire de la ville et du développement durable à l'Université de...
BETTAIEB Hanène Hanène BETTAIEB gained a Master in Economic Sciences and Quantitative Management specialising in Applied Statistics in 2005, having already obtained a Master of Applied Statistics in Management from the l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Sousse –Tunisia in 2008. She is currently a PhD student in economics at REEDS with a jointly supervised thesis between the UVSQ under the supervision of Sylvie Faucheux, and the University de Sousse Tunisia, Faculty of Law and Political and Economic Sciences,...
Bila-Prigent SandrineDepuis l’origine de mes études supérieures, j’ai eu la volonté de travailler dans l’environnement, qui nécessitait à l’époque le choix d’une maîtrise en Sciences humaines : j’ai donc obtenu une maîtrise d’histoire complétée d’une maîtrise de géographie, qui répondaient en partie à mon questionnement sur la compréhension du monde et de ces enjeux....
BILLARD Catherine Catherine BRÉVILLE BILLARD is a Lecturer in Economics at the UVSQ (since 2007) and responsible for the department for « Management of Business Administration (GEA)» of the IUT de Mantes-en-Yvelines (since 2009). Her work, including her thesis (co-directed by Paris 1 and ESSEC), concerns the impact of public expenditure on the choice of local capitalisation in a context of fiscal competition. The focus was on considering the fiscal competitiveness from the viewpoint of a geographic economy and...
BITTENCOURT MarianaMariana BITTENCOURT est Architecte et Urbaniste depuis 2009. Elle a obtenu son Master en Génie Civil à l'Université Fédérale de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brésil) en 2012 et a réalise son mémoire sur les lignes directrices de gestion environnementale pour les chantiers de construction dans la ville de Florianópolis. En 2011, elle a occupé un poste de chercheuse invitée à l'Université de Western Ontario (London, Canada) dans le cadre du programme d'échange d'étudiants Emerging Leaders in...
BLANCHARD AnneAnne BLANCHARD a une licence en Sciences de la Terre, de l’Univers et de l’Environnement, et a suivi la spécialité Recherche « Développement Durable et Intégré » du Master SETE. Elle a commencé une thèse au sein du laboratoire REEDS en octobre 2008, sous la direction de Jean-Paul Vanderlinden. Son sujet explore les dynamiques interdisciplinaires entre sciences étudiant différents aspects du climat, et l'interface entre sciences, société et politiques. Son terrain d’étude est le Groupement d...
BOI Anne-FloreBonjour!  Je suis actuellement en M1 GETEDELO à l'Université Paris-Saclay (France) et l'année dernière j'ai obtenu ma licence en Géographie et Aménagement.  Les cours auxquels j'ai assisté tout au long de ma formation m'ont sensibilisée aux inégalités de développement entre les pays du Nord et ceux du Sud (surtout celles sur lesquelles s'appuie le fonctionnement de notre economie néolibérale globalisée).  ...
BONHOMME Marie-GabrielleMarie-Gabrielle BONHOMME MERY, chef de projet en Développement Durable, est actuellement chef de projet « Amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique et réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans les campus universitaires d’Ile-de-France » et responsable du pôle « Hommes-Bâtiments, Efficacité énergétique et écologique » à FONDATERRA. Elle est en charge de la coordination du projet à l’échelle de la région, de la conduite des études dans les campus, ainsi que de la capitalisation et de...
BOUCKAERT MathiasMathias BOUKAERT has a Master in Economic Sciences from the Free University of Brussells from 2009. He completed his dissertation around the research of a possible conciliation between economic and environmental interests of the European Union facing the problems of climate change by the environmental question and more widely by research into the paths of transition towards durability. Mathias then took on a complementary Master in Sciences and Environmental Management at the University of...

Étudiante (2015-2016) en Master M1 gestion des territoires et dévelopement locale, mention : gouvernances des territoires, des risques et de l'environnement à l'Université Paris Saclay.

Boulier Solenn

Master 2 GTES

Bourdon Rémi

After obtaining a Licence Degree of Public Management  at the Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance of the Aix-Marseille Academy, I am currently a student in the first year (M1) programme "Gouvernance des Territoires, des Risques et de l'Environnement", in the Mention GETEDELO (Gestion des territoires et du développement local) at the Université Paris-Saclay (France).

Boutin GwenaëlleEtudiante en Master M1 Gestion des territoires et développement local, de la Mention GETEDELO (Gouvernance des territoires et développement local) à l'Université Paris-Saclay (France)....
BOZEK LisaLisa BOZEK, hailing from the East Coast of Canada, has a Bachelor of Commerce in Global Business Management and Marketing from Saint Mary’s University (Canada) as well as a Masters degree in Sustainable Development Policy with a concentration in Corporate Social Responsibility from UVSQ (France). Her professional experiences over the past fifteen years include eight years working for Lexmark International as a marketing communications project manager (Australia, Hong Kong, USA and France),...
BRADLEY TonyMy background is as a sociologist.  After pursuing an early academic career as a Research Associate for the Dept of Environment and Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at Anglia-Ruskin University (1980-86) I changed career to become an Anglican Priest.  During this time I was the author/ editor of 2 collections of rural sociology and UK Editor of Sociologia Ruralis.  My main interest was in deprivation, poverty and labour market restructuring in village England. ...
BRANCO VirginiaVirginia BRANCO has a MA in International Relations (culture and politics) from the Universidade do Minho (Portugal) and also a Research Master in Sociology : “Comparative Analysis of social change”, Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, Sciences-po Paris. She originally worked for one year at the Institute for Strategic and International Studies at Lisbon on the challenges of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. From 1999 to 2005, she was a Market Research Executive in charge of international...
BRANESCU CarmenCarmen BRANESCU, d’origine roumaine, est titulaire d’un Master en Institutions Politiques ; échanges internationaux et un Master en Affaires Internationales et Négociation Interculturelle (tous les deux obtenus à l’Université Paris10 Nanterre). Par ailleurs elle a aussi un diplôme en études anglo-américaines. Après avoir suivi un parcours tourné essentiellement vers l’international à travers les études en Roumanie (langues et civilisations étrangères ; français/anglais/arabe) et à travers les...
BREMER ScottScott BREMER, d’origine néozélandaise, a un «Honors Degree» en planification des ressources et de l’environnement. Il a rejoint l’équipe du REEDS en septembre 2007 pour commencer son doctorat. Sa thèse se focalise sur les méthodes d’avancement de la gestion des zones côtières avec un regard particulier sur l’interface science-politique et les méthodes participatives pour la délibération multi-critères. Son doctorat est organisé en cotutelle entre le labotatoire REEDS et le Centre d’Economie...
BROU EttienEttien BROU has a Master in Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development at the UVSQ, a diploma from the universities of Liège and Lyon and is a PhD student at REEDS (UVSQ) Master UVSQ . As part of his interest in the economics of development, his research theme centres on the balance be-tween the preservation of natural ecosystems and satisfying human needs. It supports the necessity of integrating local populations as well as regional stakeholders in the...
BUI NGOC HaiHai BUI NGOC was born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1984. He graduated the engineering degree from the Hanoi Institute of Polytechnic, Vietnam in 2007 and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Grenoble, France in 2012. He currently works at GDF SUEZ, in a partnership between the industrial chair Econoving of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University and GDF SUEZ, on problems of efficiency in energy use for the residential sector. He is interested in power electronics and...
BULTEAU JulieJulie BULTEAU is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines since september 2012. After defending a thesis (PhD) about sustainable mobility in urban areas at the Institute of Economics and Management at the University of Nantes, she did a post-doctorate (2009-2010) within the ANR program “Sustainable City Eval PDU” (environmental Impact Assessment of a PDU and its socio-economic consequences). She was subsequently a research fellow for studies...
BURGENMEIER BeatSpecialties:Président du Conseil scientifique de Fondaterra, Paris depuis 2005 Membre de l’Advisory Board de Dexia-Asset Management pour des investissements socialement responsables depuis 2006 Membre du conseil scientifique du GICC du ministère français d'écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement depuis 2000 Expert Austrian Climate and Energy Fund depuis 2009 - Président du Conseil de l’association allemande des professionnels de l’environnement de 2005 à 2012
Cahier Clémentine


CANOREL FranckFranck CANOREL fait des études en santé publique (Licence, Maîtrise) à la Faculté de médecine de Nancy. Il se spécialise sur les questions de santé environnementale (diplôme en santé/environnement à l’UVSQ, formations en épidémiologie, évaluation des risques, histoire de l’environnement industriel et urbain et toxicologie au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers). Il obtient ensuite un Master en géographie et aménagement à l’université du Maine (travail de recherche sur les îlots de...
CAPLAN ThiagoAprès avoir suivi des études dans le domaine du commerce international et du marketing (Licence LEA Commerce International, Licence professionnelle en Management des Organisations et semestre d'études au Royaume-Uni en Bachelor of Business Administration), j'ai décidé d'intégrer le Master 1 Gouvernance des territoires, des risques et de l'environnement de l'Université Paris-Saclay (UVSQ-AgroParisTech). ...
Caspar MélodieEtudiante en Master M1 GETEDELO (Gestion des territoires et développement local) à l'Université Paris-Saclay.  Le développement durable et l'agriculture sont mes deux principaux centres d'intérêt.  Diplômée d'une licence professionnelle intitulée "Assistant à chef de projet en aménagement de l'espace" obtenue au sein de l'Université de Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, et d'un BTS Agricole mention "Animation et Developpement des Territoires Ruraux" obtenu à Poitiers.   
CASTAÑEDA JilmarI am a Peruvian student, I am currently pursuing my Master degree studies in Territorial Management and Local Development at the Versailles St Quentin University in Yvelines and I hold a Bachelor degree in Management Sciences and Tourism, from Cusco, Peru. During my studies I had the chance to travel throughout the Latin American countries, where I could observe the causes of many environmental and social issues primarily due to the lack of conservation policies and the absence of regulations...
Castellanos Díaz Leydy AlejandraLeydy Alejandra Castellanos...
CAUMON ValérieValérie CAUMON est titulaire d’un Master en marketing opérationnel obtenu à l’ESIG Paris, et a démarré son parcours dans l’industrie sur un poste de chef de produit en signalétique et merchandising. Puis elle a occupé un poste chez Dragon Rouge Archi en tant que chargée de projet en architecture commerciale. Elle a travaillé au REEDS de novembre 2009 à mars 2010 et a ainsi pris en charge l’administration technique et opérationnelle des activités du laboratoire à Rambouillet, ainsi que le...
CHABOT SamySa formation de géographe et d’aménageur (Licence) de Samy CHABOT l’a d'abord ouvert à l'histoire des territoires, des hommes et de leur développement au cours des siècles. Par la suite, l'étude de notre environnement naturel (Maitrise d'Ingénierie environnementale) lui a apporté la certitude que l'homme devait repenser son système de développement afin de ne pas porter préjudice aux générations futures. Durant son premier contrat professionnel au sein de la Fondation partenariale de l’UVSQ,...
CHAMARET AurélieAurélie CHAMARET completed a PhD in economics, in partnership between UVSQ and the French geosurvey, BRGM. Her thesis was about sustainability evaluation of mining projects, with an application to the Arlit uranium mines in Niger with the French company Areva. She then worked with the IACA team in C3ED as a post-doc researcher. She’s now consultant for local authorities in the consulting firm Adret&Territoires. Her interests notably comprise sustainability evaluation methods and...
CHAUVET AmandineAmandine CHAUVET est issue d'une école supérieure de gestion, ADVANCIA spécialisée dans la communication. Elle est titulaire d’une maitrise d'économie et gestion de l'UVSQ ainsi qu'un master en ingénierie du développement durable spécialisé dans la médiation des connaissances environnementales. Elle débute une thèse sous la direction de Sylvie Faucheux sur le thème des interactions entre gouvernance et territoire dans un projet d’aménagement territorial : le cas de l’Opération d’Intérêt...
CHRISTOPHER NormanNorman Christopher is a seasoned executive in various management capacities including President, CEO, and COO responsibilities. He has helped improve business performance at Dow Chemical, Olin Corporation, Lubrizol Corporation and Haviland Enterprises in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mr. Christopher has a BA from the University of North Carolina and an MBA from the University of Connecticut. He also completed the Program for Management Development at Harvard University. Mr. Christopher is also...
CIUMASU Ioan Ioan Manuel CIUMASU is a researcher-teacher in sustainable urban development and eco-innovation and stakeholder in the international chair on eco-innovations - Econoving. He directs the Master programme in Econoving and teaches two courses; the first on the nature of eco-innovation and the second on major scientific issues and technologies for sustainable development. He also conducts research activities linked to his scientific specialisation fields of water, pollution-waste and pluri...
COMBES BenjaminBenjamin COMBES has a HEC (2003) diploma from Sciences-Po Paris (2004) and Oriental Languages (2004). He worked in China for three years at the Global Village of Beijing association as campaign manager, encouraging awareness amongst inhabitants of the Beijing region of responsible consumption. He was then Managing Advisor for he sustainable development agency AMEZIS for three years and followed that up as education consultant putting forward practical workshops to corporate employees ...
Constant Solène

Student M2 GTES

CORDIER MateoMateo CORDIER, bio-ingénieur, a rencontré pour la première fois l’équipe IACA du C3ED (actuel REEDS) dans le cadre du projet de recherche européen SPICOSA au début de l’année 2007. Il a ensuite commencé sa thèse au C3ED à la fin de la même année en cotutelle avec l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Il l’a terminé en juillet 2011. Ses axes de recherches portent sur la prospective économico-environnementale et l’analyse Input-output verte. Les outils développés dans le cadre de sa thèse permettent...
COULBAUT-LAZZARINI AmélieAmélie COULBAUT-LAZZARINI obtained a PhD in Sports sciences, option social sciences, at Paris Descartes University. She was directed by Pr Bertrand During. Her PhD was held in in a sport federation, under a industrial research agreement (CIFRE contract). She worked during 2 years at University Paris Est and was associated researcher at Grenoble University. Then she was a researcher in an association in Paris. Her work is organized in several themes, always in a multidisciplinary perspective....
COURTIER QuentinQuentin COURTIER is a materials engineer with a degree from the University of Technology at Troyes. He completed his education with a Master in Engineering and Managment in sustainable development at the same university via a study week at the Institute of Technology and Higher Learning at Monterrey, Mexico. He then competed his dissertation on putting in place an industrial ecology project for a small commune of Buenos Aires in Argentina. In February 2012 he returned to sustainable...
CULVER KeithKeith CULVER est Professeur et Titulaire de la chaire internationale sur les eco-innovation (Econoving), il a rejoint UniverSud Paris et l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines en juillet 2009. Entre 1997-2009 il a enseigné à l’Université de New Brunswick au Canada, où il a assumé des fonctions de professeur et de directeur du Centre de recherche en innovation sociale. Il a également été professeur invité dans les universités d'Oxford et de Stirling et, plus récemment, professeur...
D'EPENOUX ClotildeClotilde d’EPENOUX has a Bachelor degree in Applied Foreign Languages: English and Italian. She has also pursued courses at the ISERP (Institut Libre Supérieur Public Relations). She has worked more than 10 years in the communication field in charge of media relations for tourism sector, then as head of publicity at FNAC where she managed commercial and institutional publicity campaigns, in particular for a network of stores in France. In March 2010 she joined REEDS as operations management...
DA CUNHA CharlotteCharlotte DA CUNHA has been a lecturer in economic sciences at the University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines since February 2012 and teaches in the department of Commercialisation Techniques at the IUT Mantes en Yvelines. She obtained a PhD in economic science via REEDS (July 2010). Her research concentrates on the evaluation of effects of participative approaches. She is particularly interested in participative multi-criteria evaluation approaches and participative research action (RAP...
DAIDJ NabylaNabyla DAIDJ is an Associate Professor of Strategy at Telecom Ecole de Management (Institut Mines Telecom).  She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her teaching and research interests are corporate strategy, inter-organizational relationships (strategic alliances, clusters, business ecosystems and coopetitive practices), corporate governance, CSR, value chain and business model.  ...
De LIGONDES FrédéricFrédéric de LIGONDES began his career at Cegos, then successively occupied management positions in sales and marketing management with Xerox then Seiko–Epson. Between 1991 and 1996, he became director of marketing and communication for NEC Computers; conducted the strategic integration of PC within the Bull group; was involved with DELL in France; contributed to the launch of the merger between DIGITAL / COMPAQ. In 1997, he established a marketing agency and in 2004 he integrated Mar-Tech ...
DE ROZARIO PascalePascale DE ROZARIO is a social scientist at the CNAM in Paris, based at the LISE research centre (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de sociologie économique).  She obtained her PhD in sociology at the IEP (Institut d’Etudes Politiques) in Paris, and has worked for more than two decades in a variety of interdisciplinary programmes and projects in France and Europe at the interfaces of sociology, philosophy, management and economics.  Current research interests are centred on theory of...
DELALANDE DelphineDelphine DELALANDE, ayant une formation de stratégie d’entreprise de l’Université de Salford (Grande-Bretagne), complété d’une formation de gestion de l’information a intégré en 2009 l’UVSQ pour un Master 2 en Science de l’Environnement, du Territoire et de l’Economie (mention Ingénierie du Développement Durable spécialité Médiation des Connaissances Environnementales). Elle a travaillé dans la gestion de l’information, entre autre appliquée à l’environnement. Elle a rejoint l’équipe du REEDS...
DENEUVE CaroleChef du Service économique et du Service statistiqueUNICEMmars 2010 – Aujourd’hui...
Deparis Romain

student in Master 2 GTES

DO Khuong TienKhuong Tien DO est titulaire d’un Master 2 d’Ingénierie des Réseaux et des Systèmes à l’Université Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, d’un Master 1 de Sécurité des Systèmes Informatique de l’Université Paris 12, et d’une Licence Informatique. Il intégre le laboratoire REEDS dans le cadre de sa formation en alternance et travaille depuis octobre 2010 en tant qu’administrateur de systèmes. Il accompagne l’équipe au quotidien et assure le bon fonctionnement du parc informatique du laboratoire...
DOUGUET Jean-MarcJean-Marc DOUGUET is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the UVSQ and was co-director of REEDS, within the Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ). He focuses on ecological economics on themes of integrated environmental analysis, environmental assessment and on the development and experimentation of multimedia systems for learning and deliberation (SMMAAD). Applied fields are agriculture, water resources, biodiversity, territories and coastal management. He is involved in...
DOUSSOULIN Jean PierreJean Pierre Doussoulin is an agronomic engineer. In 2006, he graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago where he obtained a degree in Agricultural Economics and Wine Production. He then enrolled for a Masters degree in Sustainable Economy with Agroparistech in France, which he obtained in 2012. Part of this program involved an internship in the International Research Center on Environment and Development (CIRED-CNRS) in Paris, an experience which would definitely...
DUAH Francesca NanaFrancesca Nana Duah is a first year Master student in Territorial Management and Local Development at the University Paris-Saclay, France. She is concerned with issues pertaining development especially in Africa. Having studied Philosophy and Sociology, she is also interested in research which will unveil ways to better the societal and governmental systems which become rapidly obsolete due to the impact of technology in the 21st century. She focuses more on the developing countries...
DUCROUX dorianeAu terme de 7 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans les domaines des finances et du commerce à l’international, je me suis consacrée à une année de volontariat international durant laquelle j’ai pu évoluer au sein de communautés et de modes de vie différents et ainsi me rendre compte de l’urgence sociale et environnementale latente si loin de mon pays natal. De si beaux paysages, de si belles cultures, des gens si disponibles et heureux de vivre, mais tellement de disparités et de potentiels...
DUMAS Jean-PascalJean Pascal DUMAS is Adjunct Professor at the UVSQ, Director of school and university affairs at the Greater Municipality of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. A specialist in matters of university development, cultural projects or territorial administrations/authorities, he is involved in UVSQ Master SETE “Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development” Programme driving the sustainable development project and in Mas-ter of political sciences in local government. He...
DUMONT Andréa After a medical course it's from part its origins (Reunion Isaland and stemming from farmers's family) that she decides on to transfer to a domain which she appreciates : the agriculture and in a wider way the environment. Further to the obtaining of a professional license "Agriculture and Sustainable Development", and some work experiences, that she continues in 4th year of university SETE in the UVSQ. Today, it's in 5th year of university "Mediation of the environmental knowledge that her...
DUPUY RomualdRomuald DUPUY has his PhD in Economics at the University of Poitiers under the direction of Pierre Le Masne. He has a long experience in both college and higher education. He has been Professor of Economics at ESCEM Tours-Poitiers. This work is multidisciplinary and concern three main areas of research: the history of economic thought, sustainable development, industrial economics and innovation. He has written several scientific articles about Physiocracy. He has participated in the...
DURAN-I-GRANT AlexandreAlexandre DURAN-I-GRANT est titulaire d’une maîtrise en Gestion d’Entreprises et d’une licence en Économie à l’Université des Iles Baléares (Espagne) ainsi que d’un master en Développement Soutenable Intégrée (DESTIN) à l’UVSQ. Actuellement, il prépare une thèse de doctorat au sein du REEDS. Sa recherche porte sur les stratégies d’innovation environnementale des entreprises de gestion de déchets municipaux et il élabore une comparaison des pratiques en France, en Espagne et en Allemagne. Les...
DURANCE PhilippePhilippe Durance is full professor in economics at the Cnam (Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers) in France. He holds the Chair of Foresight and Sustainable Development.  His research focuses on strategic foresight and innovation. Department : LIRSA (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche en sciences de l'action) Disciplines : Futures Studies, Innovation, Technology change, Management
EL KHOURY MayMay ELKHOURY a été diplômée en 2004 en Informatique de Gestion des Entreprises à l’Université Saint-Joseph (USJ) Beyrouth, Liban. Elle a l’ambition d’acquérir une compréhension solide de l’entreprise à travers une vision transversale de cette dernière. Ainsi, elle a débuté son expérience professionnelle en Audit a Deloitte et Touche puis a poursuivi son parcours en comptabilité analytique pendant trois ans à Omnipharma S.A.L (leader pharmaceutique au Liban, Jordanie, Syrie, Iraq). Elle a...

Student of AgroparisTech

FALCK EberhardEberhard FALCK is a specialist in radioactive waste management, environmental governance and risk assessment. Following his studies in applied geology at the University of Kiel (Germany) and the ETH Zürich (Switzerland) he obtained a PhD in geochemistry from the Technical University Darmstadt (Germany). His professional career began with the British Geological Survey (UK), as a consultant in Italy. On his return to Germany he worked for a British company as an independent. From 1999 to 2006...
FATHI Ayoub ...
FAUCHEUX SylvieSylvie FAUCHEUX is a university professor in economics, currently based at the CNAM in Paris, France....
Fauvarque Cécile Fauvarque

I am a student of AgroParistech related Paris Saclay.

I want to work in Education.



FENG Tao graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

Fenintsoa ANDRIAMASINOROResearch Scientist in Multi-Agent System Modeling & Computer Management Correspondent, BRGM - Mineral Resources Division...
FLORENT-YOU ThomasThomas FLORENT-YOU conducted his professional studies at the Louis Bleriot High School at Trappes, in several fields such as electronics, information and network maintenance where he spent six months at the Credit Agricole Chevreux as an interne learning information service security. At the end of his studies he integrated this learning with that of information maintenance technician. At the end of his contract he continued to work in information maintenance. Later he was a materials-handling...
FOUCHE-GROBLA Olivier Olivier Fouché-Grobla is professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Le Cnam) and research associate at the LEESU - Ecole des Ponts.  During and after his PhD in Engineering Geology (2000), he has developed an expertise in the field of geometry and hydraulics within those heterogeneous media in the structure of which lies some discontinuity network, typically rock masses. ...
FOUOSSONG LaetitiaLaetitia FOUOSSONG est titulaire d’un Master es International Business Management obtenu en décembre 2012 de la Bradford Business School au Royaume – Uni. Issue d’une formation universitaire très variée aussi bien par son contenu (Finance, Management, Economie, Gestion, Stratégie) que par son lieu d’apprentissage (Maroc, Cameroun, Angleterre, France), elle a intégré les acquis de ces expériences diverses dans l’élaboration de son projet de thèse « Stratégie d’entreprise et partenariats...
Frécon Thomas


FRENCH Andrew NicholsCurrently Professor of Chemistry at Albion College, and Coordinator of the Sustainability Studies major, Prof. French has been active in the use of “Green” Oxidation reactions that impart chirality on achiral compounds, specifically Chiral hypervalent iodine reagents. During his 20 year academic career, Prof. French has established a number of international collaborations with chemistry faculty at the University of Basel, Switzerland, Cardiff University, Wales, and the university of Mainz,...
GADAL SébastienSébastien GADAL est Maître de Conférences en géographie géomatique à l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) au sein du laboratoire REEDS. Il est conseiller scientifique au John Stennis Space Center (NASA). Il exerce actuellement les fonctions de codirecteur de la filière géographie et de coresponsable pédagogique du Master « Télédétection et géomatique appliquées à l’environnement ». Ses recherches portent sur l’étude des processus de métropolisations et d’urbanisation,...
GALLOPIN Gilberto CarlosGilberto Carlos GALLOPIN is an Argentinean/Italian Independent Scholar, currently living in Argentina.  He is an ecological systems analyst, scenario builder and sustainable development expert.  ...
GANA NabilaNabila GANA has a Baccalaureat in Sciences and Technologies (accounting management) 1998.She has since studied for her BTS Action Commerciale. She worked within the budget service of the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris in 2001 public service. After a transfer request she joined the UVSQ in 2007 managing research requirements at the DREDVAL. In September 2011 she joined the REEDS International Research Centre in a financial management role. She is in charge of communication...
GANS COMBE Caroline Caroline GANS COMBE worked as a programme director for several institutions and businesses (CHU at Nancy, Posifit, Inserm Tranfert, the Paris Dauphin Foundation) and as a Chief Operations Officer for Reihoo. In addition, she is an expert and auditor for the European Commission account on ethics, governance, TICs. matters of data security and life sciences. She teaches ethics, project management and risks within several MBA programmes (Dauphin, Angers) and, as associate professor at the UVSQ,...
GAO Yihao

GAO Yihao graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.


Dr Brian Garrod is Professor of Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University.  He has written more than 40 articles/ chapters and seven books. His main interests lie in visual methods, sustainable tourism and heritage tourism.

GASSAMA IbrahimaIbrahima GASSAMA With a background as an economist, Ibrahima Gassama is an analyst for the Office of the Head of Forestry for Quebec. He has a Master in Economics majoring in sustainable development, a Master in Management of Sustainable Development and a certificate in advanced environmental studies. He was co-author of the balance sheet for sustainable forestry planning for Quebec 2000-2008 and participates in the drafting of the Sustainable Forestry Manual for Québec. His thesis work,...
GAUTHIER IsabelleEtudiante en M2 Médiation des connaissances environnementales, "partenariats pour le développement durable....
GERBER Julien-FrançoisJulien-François GERBER is Researcher in Ecological Economics and Political Ecology at the REEDS-OVSQ where he works on the FP7 EJOLT Project ( He is also Fellow at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study in New Delhi. He holds a Master of Science (in ecology and evolution) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, a Master of Advanced Studies in Development Studies from the University of Geneva, and Master and a Ph.D. in Ecological Economics from the...
GERMANY Benjamin
Following my graduation in bachelor's degree of Biology specialized in Ecology, I'm a student at the University of Paris-Saclay (University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-
Yvelines), in the first-year Master's programme "Governance of Territories, Risks and the Environment".
Moreover, the internship I've done during my bachelor's degree approached some aspects about conservation biology and confirmed my interest in the sustainable development.
GNIDEHOUE Aurelle ChristelleAprès l'obtention d'une Licence Professionnelle en Gestion de l'environnement et assaisnissement urbain à l'Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UCAO) à Cotonou au Bénin, je me suis orientée vers un Master en Aménagement Développement et Environnement à l'Université d'Albi à travers lequel je me suis spécialisée en Ingénierie du développement des villes petites et moyennes. Dans le cadre de ce dernier, j'ai fait un stage de cinq mois à la Communauté d'Agglomération de l'Albigeois et...

A venir


Julie GRALL gained her geography degree specialising in geometry and the environment at the University de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, then a Master in Environmental Knowledge Mediation: Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Following her Master 2 work experience she joined REEDS as entrusted to territorial ecology for the Libellule® project and the RESILIS project.

GRISEL Pierre-NicolasPierre-Nicolas GRISEL, is an agronomics engineer (Agro ParisTech) who has specialised in agricultural development since 2005. He completed a Master in Integrated Sustainable Development (DESTIN) in 2007-2008 at the UVSQ and his dissertation concerned the matter of the influence of environmental functions on the development of rural communities. Begun in October 2008, his PhD (co-supervision Martin O’Connor; UVSQ & Peter May, CPDA Programa de Pós-graduação de Ciências Sociais em...
GUERVIN Jean-LucJean-Luc GUERVIN is a professor attached to the University Institute of Technology at Mantes-en-Yvelines (IUT- UVSQ). Since 2008, he has been involved in the area of commercialisation techniques, relationship management concerning professional degrees “Project Officer for sustainable sales solutions, “and building energy-efficient engineering. He is responsible for developing professional and educational relationships for sustainable development and promoting educational environmental...
GUILLOTEAU RachelRachel GUILLOTEAU, ingénieur Matériaux de formation a travaillé 8 ans en recherche et développement dont 6 ans dans l’industrie automobile en tant que manager de projets innovants pour la carrosserie et les ouvrants. Après avoir obtenu le master 2 « Management of eco-innovation» (2010), elle a rejoint en septembre 2010 la chaire Econoving en tant que manager de projets éco-innovants en lien avec les partenaires industriels : ALSTOM, GDF SUEZ, ITALCEMENTI, SAUR et la SNCF. Elle approfondie...
Guiny Justine Guiny

M2 GTES student

GUPTA JoyeetaJoyeeta GUPTA is professor of environment and development in the global south at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft.  She is editor-in-chief of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics and is on the editorial board of several other journals including the IJSD.  She was lead author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize...
GUYONNAUD Marie-Françoise Marie-Françoise GUYONNAUD is Director of Fondaterra, European Foundation for Sustainable Territories. She is in part telecommunication engineer and part environmental economist. After more than 14 years expe-rience in the organisation and leading companies (Bosch, PPG Boussois, Bossard Consultants, Vivendi), Marie-Francoise Guyonnaud is developing Fondaterra as an original and multidisciplinary “cluster”; a true repository for innovations on sustainable development irrigating territorial...
HAMON DidierDidier HAMON, diplômé de l'IEP Paris, de l'Ecole Nationale de le Magistrature, Maitre en Droit. Diplômé de WHARTON SHOOL de l'Université de Pennsylvanie. Directeur de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable des Aéroports de Paris, Conseiller du PDG pour la RSE (Corporate Social Responsibility). Maitre de Conférences à l'IEP Paris de 1980 à 1988, Professeur des Universités Associé à l'UVSQ depuis 2007. A l'UVSQ, il enseigne le Droit de l'Environnement sous l'angle des responsabilités de l...
HARRISON FrancesFrances HARRISON is a New Zealander with TESOL certification. She began her career as a primary teacher and progressed to managing sales and marketing activities in diverse sectors such as hospitality (corporate travel and tourism), telecommunications, engineering and manufacturing as well as the pharmaceutical industry, over the course of 16 years. After obtaining her degree in Applied Communication she spent four years as public affairs advisor for Waitakere City; being in charge of...
HASSISSENE KenzaAprès avoir obtenu un bac scientifique, j'ai intégré l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral d'Alger,  cette formation purement scientifique m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances et compétences permettant d'appréhender le fonctionnement des écosystèmes marins ainsi que l'analyse des perturbations anthropiques sur ces derniers. Au bout de trois années en école d'ingénieurs, j'ai eu envie de  m'orienter vers le développement durable, je me suis donc...
HAWI RimaRima HAWI is a Lecturer in Economic Sciences at the IUT Vélizy, Rambouillet site. Specialised in the history of economic thought, her research work concerns the field of economic ethics, particularly social justice theories. Rima Hawi favours a pluridisciplinary approach to economic problems associating approaches and philosophies of language, of ethics and sociologie. It’s in this area that she studied The theory of John Rawls in the light of the economy, title of her thesis, accepted in may...


HERNOUN NassimaNassima HERNOUN has a Master in environmental project management from the Sherbrooke University of Quebec.. She began as the person responsible for public health organisations (National Institute of Public Health of Quebec - INSPQ, and Canada Health). Her collaborations concern the putting together of the multithematic ministerial plan for environmental health, the creation of the environmental health digital portal Eurekapro, as well as operational programmes for climate change adaptation.....
HETTINGA EllisAs a Drupal developer I am experienced with designing architectural structure + building of complex database driven web applications and modules. Well known with DTAP principles of deployment. Experienced in using and writing webservices. Senior Drupal Developer, working with Drupal since 2008. I work for universities and research institutes (international team) a lot and with great pleasure . Builder of e-learning websites and sites on research information for universities, corporate...
HIDALGO Laura, Chloé, XoanI’ve always been into sciences, nature and environment. Then I degreed a Baccalaureate in Scientific with a “A” levels and, after a selection, I went into a 2-years Preparatory Classes leading to a place in one of France’s highly selective Engineering Schools. I chose the Math Sup – Math Spe B.C.P.S.T. (Biology Chemistry Physics Earth Science) stream leading me to the Graduated School of Engineering of Clermont-Ferrand in Agronomy. During this school, I went to Spain for semester ERASMUS in...
HINI Sihame Sihame HINI est titulaire d’un diplôme d’Architecte d’état obtenu en 2010 en Algérie son pays d’origine ; elle a rejoint par la suite l’université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines pour effectuer le master AEGR (Analyse économique et Gouvernance des risques) où elle a réalisé un mémoire sur les risques immobiliers et le développement durable. Actuellement elle est doctorante en sciences économiques au sein de REEDS sous la direction de Monsieur Jean-Marc Douguet et la Codirection de...
Hu Haiyan

I am Haiyan Hu and come from China.  I am now studying at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, one of the partners of the federal Université Paris-Saclay (France).  I am majoring in Land governance, risks and environment, the 1st year programme in the Master GETEDELO (Gestion des territoires et développement local), and am interested in sustainable development. 

HUA Jian

HUA Jian graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

HUE ChristelleChristelle HUE, Professional Master in Economics and Energy policy, Université Paris X Nanterre, is a researcher at the University de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. She works on the politics of scientific and technical research and innovation for the environment, on methods and instruments of just-in-time forcasting, consultative governance on environmental politics, and sustainable development. Her education was initially in physics and provided her with a pluri-disiciplinary approach...
IVASSENKO ElaineTitulaire d'une licence en sciences du vivant de l'université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), j'ai décidé d'effectuer un service volontaire européen en Roumanie. Les sept mois que j’y ai passé, dans une association de protection de l'environnement, m’ont permis d’approfondir mes connaissances ainsi que d’avoir une première expérience dans le milieu associatif. Celle-ci m’a également permise d’affiner mon projet professionnel. Je m'investie depuis lors régulièrement dans différentes...
JENSEN ThorThor JENSEN, a Canadian, has a Master 2 in the ‘Management of Eco-innovation’ from the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Elsewhere, his academic path includes an honours degree in Finance and Law in Society from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. In France Thor has taken part in projects centering on the finance of Eco-SMEs with ADEME ( French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and in Brussels on the subject of Smart Cities with ALSTOM. His thesis at REEDS is...

JIANG Feng graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

JOHNSON PierrePierre JOHNSON, 45 ans, diplômé en sciences économiques et sociales, a une quinzaine d’années d’expérience dans la coordination de projets de développement rural en Amérique latine, en Afrique et en Asie du Sud-Est, dans l’animation de communautés internationales de pratiques et dans le conseil stratégique et opérationnel en développement durable. Son expérience l’a amené à développer une expertise reconnue (PNUD, fondations et universités) sur le lien entre commerce équitable et le...
KADIRI SouhailaSouhaïla KADIRI is a young researcher at the end of doctoral studies in development economics (UVSQ-IRD) with a thesis on the evaluation of economic development strategies in the tourism sector: “A system of sustainable development indicators associated with a consultative territorial approach to stakeholders”. This is an application of sustainable development principles (participatory management, social equity, economic viability, ecological managment, and research on sustainable development...
KANAWKA KrysztofKrzysztof KANAWKA est Post-doctorant au sein de la Chaire Econoving (UVSQ). Son contrat a commencé en septembre 2010 et se terminera en août 2012. L’expertise de Krzysztof Kanawka concerne les piles à combustible, surtout à haute température, les piles à combustibles à oxydes solides (SOFC). Affecté à 25% à la Chaire Econoving (conférences, articles, conférences), il travaille à 75% pour les partenaires de Econoving (GDF SUEZ), où il participe à plusieurs projets liés aux piles à combustible....
KANE IdrissaIdrissa O. KANE, has a Master degree in Geography, majoring in the environment and management of natural resources from the UGB de Saint-Louis/Sénégal, a Master GIDEL (Integrated Management and Sustainable Development of Coastal Spaces) at the UCAD/Senegal, then a Master in Master in Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development from the UVSQ. He had an internship at the International Foundation of the Banc d’Arguin à l’UICN/Dakar where he was, at the same time,...
KOFFI MauriceMaurice KOFFI specialises in economic analysis of environmental and sustainable development projects. He holds a MSc in Applied Research for Sustainable Development from the University of Paris-Dauphine and the IIIEE (International institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Sweden). He participated in consulting assignments in Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus on the management of household waste as well as electrical and electronic waste. These experiences have...
KOHEN CécileMon parcours peut être perçu comme atypique. Pendant presque 20 ans j’ai dirigé des compagnies de spectacle, accompagné des artistes dans la création et organisé des tournées, convaincue que notre contribution à la société était essentielle. Cependant, depuis plusieurs années, de nouvelles préoccupations m’animent et notamment la prise en compte des enjeux environnementaux, à tous les niveaux de nos activités pour que s’opère la transition écologique nécessaire à l’évolution de nos modes de...

KONG Xiao graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

Kouassi Charlene ...
KUZNETSOVA ElizavetaElizaveta KUZNETSOVA, of Russian origin, has a Master in ‘Management of Eco-innovation’ from the UVSQ. Her academic path includes two engineering diplomas: in mechanical engineering from the State Technical Uni-versity Moscow and in Fluid Mechanics from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Électronique d’Électrotechnique d’Informatique d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications (ENSEEIHT) of Toulouse. Elizaveta took part in projects revolving around energy with ALSTOM. Her thesis is dedicated to...
LANCELEUR PhilippePhilippe LANCELEUR is an education information technology specialist. After a higher studies diploma in applied information systems management and the creation of management applications for SMEs, he busied himself in more technical and emerging environments of the 90s: systems and networks. A techno-commercial engineer for 10 years, then team manager for Southern Europe, the future seemed bright. He then passed a European Master in Ecological Economics and the Politics of Sustainable...
LE MOAL CamilleActuellement en Master 2 Médiation des connaissances environnementales, je suis titulaire d'une licence de géographie (parcours environnement, géomatique et tourisme) depuis 2012 et d'un Master 1 en Aménagement, Energie et Economie Territoriale....
Le Moal Pierre-Yves

Etudiant actuellement en première année de Master (le programme M1 Gouvernance des Territoires, des Risques et de l'Environnement, au sein de la Mention GETEDELO), j'ai auparavant suivi une formation en licence de géographie à l'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin.  Je m'intéresse à la géographie sous toutes ses formes et plus particulièrement ce qui relève des risques naturels ou technologique, de la géopolitique ainsi que la cartographie.    


LEBARBIER ChristopheTout en réalisant sa thèse de doctorat sur "Le développement durable comme mutation inéluctable vers un capitalisme responsable ? Une analyse de l'inter action entreprise société dans la détermination d'un Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises contributive d'un Développement Durable", Christophe Lebarbier a su accompagner la démarche RSE de grands groupes et mener des recherches opérationnelles sur ce champ.Il a mené de la conduite de projets stratégiques et opérationnels et de missions de...
LEFEVRE ArnaudArnaud LEFEVRE started with a Biology degree specialising in Ecological Biodiversity at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in 2006. He completed several research assignments in ecology and protection of natural habitats within different entities such as the natural History Museum of Paris as well as the regional nature park of the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse. He took up a master in Tool development for Sustainable Development, offered by the OVSQ in 2010, where the goal was...


LESAGE Claudie

Claudie LESAGE has a degree in humanities. She has worked, for more than 20 years in private companies that specialise in the manufacture and exportation of medico-surgical materials. She was a commercial assistant. In September 2009 she joined the REEDS Research Centre as an assistant inside the Econoving Chair. She is responsible for administrative management operations and the organisation of assignments.

LI Mingxiao

LI Mingxiao graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

LI Rong

LI Rong graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

LI YingYing LI, d’origine chinoise, est titulaire d’un Master en Aménagement du territoire « Construction Durable et Eco-Quartier» de l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines et a réalisé son mémoire sur la thématique de l’intégration des principes de l’économie circulaire dans l’aménagement des zones d’activité. Elle veut approfondir la recherche sur les flux de déchets à l’échelle d’un territoire. Plus précisément, sa thèse vise à étudier la synergie des acteurs économiques et créer la...
LILLIQUIST JulieJulie Lilliquist est une étudiante à l’Université Paris-Saclay en M1 Gouvernance des Territoires, des Risques et de l’Environnement. Après avoir fini sa License en Études Internationales – Sciences Politiques et en Langue Française aux États-Unis en 2013, elle à travaillé comme assistante administrative au siège d’une entreprise américaine. Puis, elle a déménagé à Paris, ou elle a enseigné l’anglais dans quelques écoles élémentaires françaises en fonction d’assistante de langue étrangère....
LINCOLN Timothy Nye I received a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Massachusetts, in 1972 and a PhD in Geology from the University of California, Los Angeles, 1978. I have been on the Faculty at Albion College since 1981. I am a member of the Geology Department and Director of the College’s Center for Sustainability and the Environment. I teach the following three sets of courses: introductory science courses for all liberal arts students, taught to stress the relationships between science...
LIOUBIMTSEVA ElenaElena Lioubimtseva completed Ph.D. in environmental geography at Moscow State University, Russia, in 1994. She conducted research at School of Geography and Environment, Oxford University, UK, and School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Louvain, Belgium. Since 2000 she has been teaching at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, United States, where she holds a position of an Associate Professor of Geography and Planning and Director of Environmental Studies Program. Her research...
LOIRET RichardRichard LOIRET  began a thesis under the direction of Martin O’Connor within REEDS in 2010, centered on ecological indicators related to territorial areas; more particularly on the "Ecological Balance" (a reformulation of the ecological footprint (GFN) and its two basic components, the environmental pressure (the footprint in Itself) and the biocapacity), which is a new thermodynamic concept of measuring and comparing, on one hand the living, and on the other hand the environmental pressure....
LOURADOUR FrédéricFrédéric LOURADOUR is Adjunct Professor at the UVSQ. He participates within the UVSQ and Fondaterra on the following issues: the problems and effects of greenhouse gas emissions and methods of associated assess-ment for businesses and regions (Authorised by Ademe -French Environment and Energy Management Agency for the Carbon Assessment method), building energy efficiency and changes to the energy mix/ecological foot-print for territories and infrastructure planning projects. He acquired...
Magassa MaciréI come from Mali. After my Undergraduate in Economics at Dakar University, I decided to pursuit my studies in France.  ...
MAHAMAT DJIBRINE AchéAché MAHAMAT DJIBRINE, a une formation en sociologie de l’Université de Marne-La-Vallée (77), elle a obtenu un Master 1 en Science de l’Environnement, du Territoire et de l’Economie (mention Ingénierie du Développement Durable), suivi d’un Master 2, spécialité Médiation des Connaissances Environnementales, partenariats pour le développement durable. Après avoir fait son stage avec l’équipe REEDS sur la démarche d’évaluation multicritères et multi-acteur de projets de rénovation de bâtiments...
MALLENS Christine

A venir

MANCEAU-PHILIPPOT KarineKarine MANCEAU PHILIPPOT has a Master in Business Administration in addition to a Master's degree in Business Creation and Strategic Development. After working for three years in the field of education and communication, she joined the Ile de France network for research on sustainable development (R2DS Ile de France) funded by the Ile de France Regional Council, in the position of Communications Advisor and webmaster. She manages internal and external communications and events as well as the...

Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela UEMA e pela Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Lille, França; Cursa o Master em Gestão do Território e Desenvolvimento Local na UPSAY, França; Participou de Ateliers de Criação Urbana em São Luís e Paris; Pesquisa com Planejamento Urbano; Cursou Design na UFMA.

Mat.ogier Mathilde OGIER


Etudiante en Master M1 "Gouvernance des territoires, des risques et de l'environnement" dans la Mention GETEDELO (Gestion des territoires et développement local) à l'Université Paris-Saclay (France).




MCDONALD Garry WarrenDr Garry MCDONALD has over 16 years' experience consulting in environmental, social and economic analysis. During this time he has undertaken a wide range of project/policy evaluation and feasibility studies for various commercial and public sector clients. As a founding Director of Market Economics he has been responsible for delivery of between NZ$25-30 million of contracts. His research interests have focused on the integration of the environmental, social and economic dimensions of...
Md Mehedi HASSANMd Mehedi Hassan has completed his graduation from IUBAT-International University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh in Finance and Marketing. At present he is continuing his Masters 2 - Environmental Knowledge Mediation Partnership for Sustainable Development at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France. After graduation he worked as a purchase Executive in readymade garments exporting company in Bangladesh for one year and also worked as a Part time call Center...
MEAUDRE Jean-LucJean-Luc MEAUDRE has been a consultant and educator in the international logistics sector for a number of years. His Master in logistics and international distribution has enabled him to cross several continents working for multi-nationals concerned with teaching within European financing frameworks or public-private partnerships. Specialising in international transport chains, his expertise, among others, includes carbon debt, enabling him to reply to very specific and topical subjects.
MERINO SAUM AlbertAlbert MERINO-SAUM is a doctoral student and contracted teacher at REEDS. With a Master in Law and a Master in Economics he has now concentrated his studies more on Ecological Economics (M1 at the UniversityAutonomeof Barcelona at the same time with a diploma in environmental law, then a Master 2 at the UVSQ. His thesis: How to live with fire in the Mediterranean region? A multi-criteria and multi-scenario participative approach, is supervised by Professor Martin O’Connor. His research pivots...
Messan Séna TEVI BENISSANAprès mon baccalauréat et après trois années d'apprentissage des bases des sciences économiques et de gestion à l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, j'ai reçu un avis favorable à ma demande de candidature en Master 1 au sein de cette même université (où j'ai été diplômé d'une Licence en sciences économiques option analyse et politique économique).  Cette formation m'a plu car elle abordait des notions importantes de la vie économique.  J'ai donc été sensibilisé à des notions de gestion des...
MEYER AuréliaAurélia MEYER started by studying Geography and Spatial Planning at the University Bordeaux III  before intergrating the third year of bachelor degree "Environmental Engineering and Resource Management" provide by EGID institute (Bordeaux). She made her fisrt year of master degree in Montpellier in "Environmental Project Managment" and joined the 2013/2014 class of master "Environmental Mediation" offered by the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines. 
Mickaj Viktoria Elisabet

After obtaining a B.A. in International Development from the University of Vienna, I am currently a student in the first year (M1) programme "Gouvernance des Territoires, des Risques et de l'Environnement", in the Mention GETEDELO (Gestion des territoires et du développement local) at the Université Paris-Saclay (France).

MIROUX CarolineCaroline MIROUX est titulaire d’une Licence en Management de Projets dans le Tertiaire de l’IUT de Vélizy, obtenue en 2006, et d’un Master en Communication, Management et Gestion de Projets de l’Université d’Angers qu’elle a obtenu en décembre 2008. Durant son apprentissage, elle a d’abord occupé le poste de chargée de projet en création d’entreprise dans le secteur de la cosmétique ; elle a ensuite occupé le poste chargée de communication au sein du groupe Dessange International. Caroline a...
Mobarek Lynda ...
Mohammad NAZMUZZAHIDI am Mohammad Nazmuzzahid. I am studying in International Master 2 Environmental Knowledge Mediation Program for the year 2014-2015 at OVSQ - Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. I have completed Bachelor of Science in Information and Telecommunication Engineering from Darul Ihsan University, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2011. After that I worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from February 01, 2011 to January 05, 2013 at West...
MORLAT ClémentClement MORLAT has a degree in Biology from the UVSQ. After spending a year at the Advanced Institute for the Environment at Trappes, he was employed to work for the Environmental Education Institute at the Ministry of Ecology. Following the experience of managing the sustainable development of the VIVENDI group, he joined FONDATERRA, while following in parallel a continuing education at CNAM Paris. From there he obtained a master in management sciences and another in management, global...
MOUGENOT BenoîtBenoit MOUGENOT has a master’s degree in Economics and Society “Entrepreneurial partnerships in socio-economic projects” from the University Lumiere Lyon 2. After gaining experience through project coordination of sustainable tourism project in Peru and on issues of sustainable living in Luxembourg, he joined the REEDS team to obtain a PhD via the Continental Industrial Chair. Under the direction of Sylvie Faucheux his thesis concerns the development of economic models arising from the...
MOUSSA RichardRichard MOUSSA has been a post doctoral researcher at REEDS since November 2011.With an engineering diploma in Information from the ENSEIRB and a Master 2 specialising in image, sound and multimedia from the University of Bordeaux 1, he has followed up his study path with a recently completed PhD. During his thesis he worked on the modeling of Multi-Agent systems for resolving complex problems, in particular that of the segmentation of MRI images of the brain. His research interest focuses on...
NASREDDINE MickaelMickael NASREDDINE has been, since 2008, lecturer REEDS (formerly C3ED) in the field of logistics, managing industrial relationships, Adjunct Professor at the ENSIM (School of Engineering at Le Mans) from 2006 to 2008, consultant in Organisational Logistics and NTIC, Chief Executive Officer, Entrepreneur. He has occupied several different project management posts at the European level and conducted various consulting missions in Europe and the Middle East, in large multinationals such as...
NEMOZ SophieSophie NEMOZ has a Ph.D. in sociology from the University Paris Descartes. She pursued a post-doctorate in the Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning at the University of Brussels. Her researches deal with the contemporary changes in the housing sector and the innovative processes at different territorial scales. In France and internationally, she has published on the issues of student housing, the development of intergenerational housing, the environmental reform and...
NICOLAI IsabelleIsabelle NICOLAÏ is a Senior Lecturer in Economics. She steers academic and contractual research activities at the national and European level. Her research themes cover environmental technology innovation, sustainable development indicator conditions for social acceptability for environmental risk, corporate social responsibility, corporate environmental strategy and evaluation (grading, SRI - Socially Responsible Investing). She combines education and research action for mutual benefit. A...
Nolwenn GENUITJ'ai commencé mon cursus à l'université de Rennes 1 au sein de la licence 1 Biologie générale, pour ensuite m'orienter vers la biologie des organismes en licence 2 et 3. J'ai ensuite effectué un master 1 écologie fonctionelle comportementale et évolutive, suivit d'un stage de  recherche de trois mois à l'INRA (Agrocampus):"prédation des pucerons par les coléoptères carabique et leurs potentiels de contrôle biologique". J'ai par la suite obtenu a l'université d'Angers un master 2 en...
Oliveira BarbaraBárbara Oliveira has a Bachelor's degree in Public Relations from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2012), and in International Relations for the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (2013), both in Brazil.  For this degree she wrote her undergraduate thesis on "Political Instability and its consequences to the Development of Guinea Bissau".  From 2011 until 2014 she worked in international relations with a Brazilian multinational enterprise, having also worked at the...
Olivier MathildeIssue d'une filière scientifique, étant fascinée par le vivant, la biologie, je me suis dirigée vers le paysage. Me permettant d'exercer ma créativité au service du vivant....
OUARMIM YasminaJe suis étudiante en Master Médiation des connaissances environnementales et je suis titulaire d'un master 2 en Sciences naturelles de l'environnement et d'une licence en Management de l'environnement obtenus à l'université de Béjaia (Algérie). Passionée par les Sciences de l'environnement, je souhaite y consacrer ma carriere professionnelle. Interessée particulierement par le développement durable, ce domaine vaste et varié est actuellement en plein essort, il offre plusieurs possibilités...
PARACCHI DelphineDelphine PARACCHI has an administrative education (Baccalauréat in Sciences and Tertiary Technologies Administrative and Commercial Actions). She joined the UVSQ in 1997 the secreateriat of the vice-presidency. She was named head of the president's cabinet in September 2008. In April 2012, she rejoined REEDS international centre, being administratively responsible for the Pole "Sustainable development industrial chairs". In this capacity she manages human resources connected to the Pole and...
Pécout--Le Bras Nathan ...
PEDROSA TiagoTiago PEDROSA a travaillé au Joint Research Centre de la Commission Européenne jusqu’en 2009, où il a été participé à divers projets européens de recherche, pour lesquels il a déployé des approches systémiques pour étudier des problématiques environnementales complexes telles le changement climatique et le développement durable. Cette expérience a élargie sa connaissance, et il devient dans tous les sens un chercheur transdisciplinaire. Tiago a notamment développé plusieurs technologies des...
Pierquet Nina

GTES student

Pierquet Nina

GTES student

PILLOT JulienJulien PILLOT holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis. As an analysis of the economic effectiveness of European competition policies, especially with regards to private innovation incentives, his thesis invites pluridisciplinary approaches both in Industrial Economics and Competition Law.While a first part of his studies aims at revealing the economic rationale of firms’ strategies, a second interest lies in the mobilization of econometrics to highlight the...
PINTO SILVA KleberKleber PINTO SILVA is an urban architect who specializes in healthy spaces. He gained a “Mestrado” in archi-tecture 1993 on the connections between urban living and healthy spaces. In 1999 he completed his PhD at the University of São Paulo, his thesis concerning architecture and health. During 1987-20002 he taught theory and practice of architectural projects at the faculty of architecture at the UNESP (Brazil). A master of experimental work, he exercised this as director of heritage real...


RADJA KatiaKatia RADJA was awarded her PhD in economic sciences in 2003 from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, under the direction of François-Régis Mahieu. Katia Radja is a lecturer in economic sciences at the UVSQ and is joint manager of the professional degree in management of Environmental Services since 2004. Her research activities are drawn from the fields of development and sustainable development and are organized around several themes: conditions and quality of life,...
RAHARINIRINA VahinalaVahinala RAHARINIRINA is ecological economist. Her thesis, defended in 2009, is based on the economic and ecological distributional issues, related to the economic use of biodiversity in Madagascar. From February 2009 to September 2010, she worked at REEDS, as a post-doctoral researcher and was involved in two projects: “Wealth and Insecurities: Assessment and prediction of environmental services in Ile-de-France”, funded by the Ile-de-France Region and “Monetary and participatory evaluation...

A la suite d'un Diplôme en Ingénierie Pétrolière, de l'Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique D'ANTANANARIVO (2011) et d'un Master en Sécurité de Procédés industriels et Maitrise de Risques,  de l'Université de ROUEN (2014), j'ai réalisé un stage de six mois au sein du Service HSE de SANOFI Chimie Elbeuf.


RAVETZ JoeJoe Ravetz is Co-Director of the Centre for Urban & Regional Ecology at the University of Manchester.  He researches and promotes sustainable cities and regions, and specializes in foresight / future studies for environmental and urban science / policy, new economics and collaborative governance.  Joe’s main publications include the best selling ‘City-Region 2020’: ‘Environment and City’ (co-authored), and the forthcoming ‘City 3.0: pathways from smart to wise' (Earthscan / Routledge)....
REICHEL VictoriaVictoria REICHEL est diplômée en gestion d’entreprise (Fachhochschule - Université des Sciences Appliquées de Worms, Allemagne) et détient deux masters en économie de développement durable, de l’environnement et de l’énergie (Ehess Paris) et en médiation de connaissances environnementales (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines). En 2008 et 2009, au sein de l’équipe IACA du C3ED (actuel REEDS), elle a travaillé sur le développement, la validation et la documentation des outils...
REMANT AnthonyActuellement étudiant dans le parcours professionnel du Master 2  Médiation des connaissances environnementales - Partenariat pour le développement durable,  au sein de la Bergerie Nationale de Rambouillet....
REMVIKOS YorghosYorghos REMVIKOS is a contracted Professor at the UVSQ. He is responsible for the new UVSQ Master SETE (Sciences of the Environment, Territory and the Economy) specialty of Health Science, the Environment, Territories and Society (SSEnTS). After years of research concerning the biology of cancer, he is now devoting himself to different aspects of the relationship between environmental determinants and health, and is currently responsi-ble for a work-package in the management of the European...
RIEU ClémentIn charge of the Economic studies at UNICEM2010 – Aujourd’hui Région de Paris , France...
RIVOLET KatellEtudiante en première année de Master gestion des territoires et dévelopement locale, mention gouvernance des territoires, des risques et de l'environnement. Diplomée d'une licence LEA anglais-espagnol, option coopération internationale de l'université Stendhal de Grenoble.
Rivolet Katell

Etudiante en première année de Master GETEDELO.

Diplomée d'une licence LEA anglais-espagnol, option coopération internationale de l'université Stendhal de Grenoble.

ROBSON Melissa
ROMAN PhilippePhilippe ROMAN, alumnus of the ENS LSH (Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon) and agrégé in economic and social sciences, is a PhD student in social and economic sciences at REEDS. After a double Bachelor degree in Sociology and Econometry, a Master of Economics and a year spent in Brazil as a guest researcher, he obtained his Master in Ecological Economics from the UVSQ (First in class, 2008-2009). He is currently a lecturer and doctoral fellow at the UVSQ, where he is...
Rossi Mariangela

My name is Mariangela.  I obtained my Licence (Bachelor's degree) in Economy in Italy, but for the last 4 years I have lived and worked in Chile.

I am happy to have the possiblity to take part of the GETEDELO Master'sprogramme, and to be able to enrich my profile with new knowledge.


RULLEAU BénédicteBénédicte RULLEAU is Lecturer in Economics at the UVSQ since September 2009 and teaches in the « Administrative and Commercial Management » department of the IUT de Velizy, a satellite of Rambouillet. Her research focuses on economic evaluation of environmental preferences. She is particularly interested in multi-attribute evaluation methods such as the Choice Experiment and modelling individual choice. She has mobilised quantitative analysis techniques (statistics, micro-economics). Her...
RYBAK ThérèseThérèse RYBAK, après un master 1 Science de l’environnement, du territoire et de l’économie, elle a effectué un stage au sein du laboratoire régional de l’ouest parisien où elle a collaboré au projet « route et mobilité durables ». Elle a intégré ensuite le Master 2 SETE, spécialité Médiation des connaissances environnementales. Elle a occupé un poste de chargée de mission au REEDS entre janvier et juin 2010 et ainsi participé à l’élaboration du master professionnel Sciences de Santé, de l...
SAFONOV PaulPaul SAFONOV obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (1995) from Institue of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, on computer simulation and optimization of ecological-economic interactions using input-output models. After post-doc in Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, and University of Warsaw (1995-96) on German air pollution I-O model, he worked at University of Campinas (1997-1998) on emergy-based macromodel for Brazil, at Free University of Brussels...
SALAKHOVA DinaDina SALAKHOVA is graduated at University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in Master 2 International Professional Management of Eco-Innovation. The topic of her PhD is "Eco-innovative technology commercialization strategies in the context of small enterprises: The case of Green optical-based wireless communication technology". The aim of this research is to define and develop new paths and patterns of commercialization strategy for eco-innovative novel technologies, in order to build a...
SAQALLI MehdiMehdi SAQALLI est chercheur contractuel au REEDS depuis juillet 2010. Ingénieur agronome et docteur en agronomie de l’université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), il a travaillé sur des problématiques de développement dans plusieurs pays tropicaux dont l'Afrique du Sud, la Tanzanie et le Viet-nam. Ses travaux portent sur l’utilisation combinée des outils de terrain et de modélisation, en particulier multi-agents, pour la compréhension de l’impact des combinaisons situées de facteurs socio...
SAVY AurélieAprès avoir effectué trois années en classe préparatoire BCPST (biologie, chimie, physique, sciences de la terre) afin de me préparer aux concours de la banque Agro – Veto, j’ai été admissible à mes concours; mais non admise, je me suis orientée vers une troisième année de licence biologie-environnement à l’université de Versailles.  Cette formation m’a plu car elle abordait des notions importantes de la vie ainsi que les avancées scientifiques, mais la partie environnementale de celle-ci m’a...
SCHEMBRI Patrick Patrick SCHEMBRI completed a PhD in economic sciences from the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne in 1997, under the direction of René Passet. Patrick Schembri is a lecturer in economic sciences at the UVSQ and head of department of economic sciences there. His research activities aim to cross two problems: that of sustainable development in a sense quite specific and that of use and conflicts over resources and directions for develop-ment, in their diverse declensions reflect back on different...

Responsable des moyens expérimentaux, ARMINES

Responsable des Moyens Expérimentaux
Responsable des Moyens Expérimentaux
SEMENCE Geoffrey

Etudiant en Master 1 Gestion des Territoires, des Risques et de l'Environnement. Diplomé en Licence Biologie-Environnement de l'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yveline.

SHAN Yishan

SHAN Yishan graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

SHMELEV Stanislav


SIMONET DamienDamien SIMONET is currently working on his engineering diploma in network systems while working at the teaching center of Thales (AFTI). He also has a level two diploma and a professional degree in the same field. He has a university of technology diploma in electrical and industrial information technology. For more than three years he has developed, within SEDI-ATI Fiber Optics (producer of innovative systems based on fiber optics) where he was responsible for information technology. He is...
Smihily FatimaHolding a bachelor degree in physics science engineering from the science and technical faculty of Mohammedia, Morocco. Currently studying on master 1 : territory management and local development and local development, mention: territory, risk and environnement 's gouvernance in Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvellines's university. interested on the approchaes of sustainability science and resilience thinking to understand and manage change and risks of uncertainties.
Solans Julie Étudiante en Master 1 GETEDELO de l'Université Paris-Saclay, je suis actuellement licenciée de Géographie et aménagement, parcours géographie, de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne. Suite à un baccalauréat scientifique, deux années d'études en CPGE BL - Lettres et Sciences sociales - m'ont permis d'acquérir un ensemble des connaissances transversales en Sciences humaines, en Mathématiques et en Sciences économiques et sociales. J'ai fait le choix de me spécialiser en L3 Géographie afin d'appréhender...
SONG MeiCheng MeiCheng has a Master 2 International Professional master in Management of Eco-innovation from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).  (2013/2014).   Before returning to school, she had more than 6 years of professional experiences working in Electronic Industry & LED lighting Industry in China. Her job duties include company internal auditing, international marketing management, supply management control in the industry and other administrative works.     
SPANGENBERG Joachim With a PhD in economics, but an academic background in natural sciences (MSc in biology, post-graduate in ecology), Joachim SPANGENBERG is an interdisciplinary researcher by education and dedication.  ...
STRAND RogerRoger Strand (born in 1968 in Norway), originally trained as a natural scientist (Dr. Scient., biochemistry, 1998), developed research interests in the philosophy of science and has worked on issues of scientific uncertainty and complexity.  This has gradually led his research into broader strands of social research, philosophy and broader issues of policy, decision-making and governance at the science-society interface....
STRUMINSKA-KUTRA MartaDr. Marta Strumińska-Kutra is a sociologist in the Social Sciences Department, at Leon Kozminski University (Warsaw, Poland) and Associate Fellow in the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, at University of Oxford (Oxford, UK). Her areas of expertise include governance, public disputes, Corporate Social Responsibility, public administration, sustainable innovation, methodology of critical and participatory research....
Sylvain Sylvain SCHMIDTSubsequent to earning a Bachelor of Science in chemistry, physics and biology, I am currently a student in Master 2 SETE Mediation of environmental knowledge. It is a multidisciplinary Master that cover issues such as sustainable development through ecological economics and participatory practices. I am a member of student associations involved in sustainable development of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. I am the secretary of « Faculté d’Agir » which is a student...


TCHANGO Frida-AudreyFrida-Audrey TCHANGO comes from the Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV. She is tenured as a Master of Applied Economics specialising in « Economics and Management of the Environment and its Environmental Impacts». She began a thesis, under the supervision of Sylvie Faucheux, on the theme of management of natural resources in developing countries, particularly in Gabon. Having worked in the area of Master of the Management of Wildlife, she wants to deepen her research into the interactions...
TCHAPGA FlavienFlavien TCHAPGA is a professor of economics from the University Paris 13. He specializes in the analysis of electrical reforms. He managed several contributions towards stakeholders and energy sector institutions (AEN-OCDE, IEP{F, GDF)which produced a report on the “Management of funds for dismantling nuclear power stations in OECD countries”. After a post-doctoral stay at the University of Paris 11 from 2002 until 2004, he joined a private establishment for higher learning in 2005, the 12M...

MINES ParisTech - Ecole des mines de Paris


Enseignante Chef de Projets chez Ecole des Mines de Paris

Ecole des Mines de Paris
Doctor of Education (EdD), Engineering Geology, PhD
1993 – 1998

Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie
Ingénieur, Geotechnique et mines, DEA Génie civil et minier
1989 – 1992

THIAW DiatouDiatou THIAW is a geography specialist in the management of natural resources. She obtained her PhD in Geography from the University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Senegal). After her doctorate she was recruited to the Cabinet Tropica Environmental Consultants as manager for the section on management of natural resources but was also responsible for courses offered by the department of geography at the University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. She enrolled in 2008 with a co-supervised thesis at the...
THIO Boen-Ming

THIO Boen-Ming graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

THOMASSIN PaulPaul J. THOMASSIN is an Associate Professor in the Agricultural Economics Program at McGill University. He received his B.Sc. (Agr) from McGill University and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Agricultural and Resource Economics. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO) in the experimental economics group, is the lead of the working group on “Ecosystem accounts for Quebec: Measuring biodiversity and...
TOUILI NabilNabil TOUILI, is an engineer in development sciences from ENAM, (Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture, Meknès) , Morocco, where he drafted a thesis for obtaining his engineer’s qualification on the « Implementation of methods and participative approaches within the framework of a project of integrated development into circles discriminated by oriental Morocco «. Following that, Nabil gained the Master in Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development of the Master SETE...
TRAN BastienBastien TRAN is an ecological engineer. After achieving his master’s degree in Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution (Conservation Biology, Paris VI) he enrolled for the masters degree “Space and Environment” (Paris VII) in order to clarify the relationships between human societies and biological diversity. Employed at the National Museum of Natural History (Paris) he worked on different stages of the biological data path; from it’s sampling to its synthisis but especially its diffusion....
TRONCHON PierrePierre TRONCHON est depuis 2007 Professeur (PAST) Supply Chain Management à l’UVSQ (Licence, M1 et M2) dans le domaine de la Logistique. Spécialiste du Supply Chain Management, après une formation de Sciences Economiques (Maîtrise de Sciences économiques, Option Entreprise, obtenue en 1972 PARIS X), il a occupé différents postes de direction Logistique dans des grands groupes. Entre 1973 et 1985, Pierre a travaillé pour Kodak d’abord comme Analyste organisation/distribution, ensuite entant...

Actuellement étudiante en Master M1 dans la Mention GETEDELO (Gestion du Territoire et Dévelopement Locale) au sein de l’Université Paris-Saclay.  De formation en biologie je m’intéresse tout particulièrement aux enjeux en lien avec le développement durable et la gouvernance des risques. 


Actuellement étudiante en Master M1 dans la Mention GETEDELO (Gestion du Territoire et Dévelopement Locale) au sein de l’Université Paris-Saclay.  De formation en biologie je m’intéresse tout particulièrement aux enjeux en lien avec le développement durable et la gouvernance des risques. 

UZ ZAMAN Mohammad Hasan

I did my bachelor degree (Bac+4) on Economics & Marketing from Astrakhan State Technical University, Russia.I have more than 8 months of Several Administrative, Research and Teaching experiences in Research foundation, Environmental Consultancy firm, Financial Institutes and University back in Russia.

VALLEJO JoséJose VALLEJO, armed with a diploma in financial engineering from Ecuador, completed the DEA DESTIN (sustainable and integrated development) of the UVSQ in 2004. His dissertation, overseen by Mr Patrick Schembri, looks at the matter of ecological debt through the approach of the Kuznets environmental curve. On his return to Ecuador he taught economics and microeconomics at the Quito University of San Fransico and the Polyechnic University of Tulcan. Still in the ecological economics area, his...
VANDERLINDEN Jean-PaulJean-Paul VANDERLINDEN, Ph.D in Environmental Studies York University (Toronto), is a Professor in Economics at the UVSQ since September 2008. Within the setting of Master SETE, for which he assumes direction, he is responsible for courses in methodology and practical participation, ecological economics and environmental risks, integrated management of coastal zones. His fields of expertise touch on inter-disciplinary matters concerning manifestations of adaptation to natural risks and...
VANNIER Marie-FrançoiseMarie-Françoise VANNIER has a Two-Year Technical degree in Tourism. After a 11 years experience in travel agencies and 11 years in a position as a Administrative and financial manager for the French Ministry of Education, she joined the UVSQ in 2007. At REEDS she has the role of administrator to the Director, M. O’Connor. Along with her administrative responsibilities linked to the activities of REEDS, she ensures liaison between the team leader UVSQ at Rambouillet (M.O’Connor) and the group...

Waste managment Engineer
octobre 2007 – Aujourd’hui

octobre 2005 – août 2006 (11 mois)

VERGER YoannYoann VERGER got an Industrial Engineering degree from the engineering school INSA Lyon in 2011. He then completed a Masters in Engineering and Management of the Environment and Sustainable Development at the Technologies University of Troyes (UTT) and completed his master thesis about the definition of territorial sustainability and implementation of this concept in biorefineries projects in 2012. He joined the international reasearch center REEDS on the beginning of September 2012,...
VERRAX FannyFanny VERRAX obtained a Professional Master in “Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development » in the area of SETE (« Sciences of the Environment, Territory and the Economy ») at the UVSQ as well as master research LOPHISS (Logique, Philosophie, Histoire et Sociologie des Sciences) at the Université Paris IV-Sorbonne. Her thesis work, begun in October 2009 under the guidance of Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, and directly linked to the European project TECHNOLIFE,...
VIDAL RodolpheRodolphe VIDAL has a Master of Research in Mathematical Economics at Toulouse and a professional back-ground in environment and sustainable development (advice, creation of an information technology services business, local community). In December 2005 he began a thesis, under the direction of Sylvie Faucheux, on the theme of social responsibility within the insurance and mutual banking sector and cooperatives of the « social economy ». This work falls within his functions as a research...

Titulaire d’une licence en sciences de l’information et communication de l’université de Paris III, je me tourne en M1 vers la Gestion des Territoires et Développement Local (Mention GETEDELO) à Paris-Saclay.  Je suis intéressé par l’agro-écologie l'urbanisme, et la préservation de la biodiversité.

Vinciguerra Gianni

Etudiant en 1ère année du master GETEDELO. 

Vinciguerra Gianni

Etudiant en 1ère année du Master GETEDELO. 

Wallon MathildeAprès une Licence "Biologie des Organismes et Ecosystèmes" et un Master 1 "Ecologie" grâce auxquels j’ai pu acquérir des connaissances en conservation de la biodiversité, génétique et dynamique des populations, ainsi qu’en écologie des communautés et des écosystèmes, ma 2ème année de Master "Ingénierie Biologique pour l’Environnement" m’a permis d’étudier l’ingénierie écologique, l’agronomie, les sciences du sol, la gestion des écosystèmes mais aussi de m’initier aux SIG. J’ai cependant...
Wattenhoffer Cécile

Après une double-licence en Economie-Gestion/Langues et civilisations espagnoles et un Master d'anthropologie de l'Amérique latine, je me suis inscrite au M1 GETEDELO - Gestion du Territoire et Développement Local - mention : gouvernance des territoires, des risques et de l'environnement de Paris Saclay.  

Mes centres d'intérêt comportent la coopération internationale, l'anthropologie, la gestion territoriale, la géopolitique et les langues étrangères.

WHITE Douglas WilliamI help create and administer innovative environmental programs and teach environmental and ecology courses at Albion College, a small liberal arts college. We feature majors in environmental science, environmental studies, and sustainability studies, as well as concentrations in environmental science and environmental studies. Our instruction emphasizes hands-on experiences and individual attention including field trips, study abroad, internships, living-learning housing, mentored research,...
XIAO Sheng

XIAO Sheng graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

YACINE MadjidMadjid YACINE has been an associate lecturer at the UVSQ since 2006 and director of the Sciences and Techniques of Logistic Engineering study course. He is also vice-president in charge of the Property Programmes policy at the UVSQ, since 2008. He has a Master in Economics specialising in Econometry and also a Master Research in Transport from the E.N.P.C (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées). After having been head of studies at the Ministry of Industry in Algeria, then as deputy director...

Yazid BOUCHAKOUR: Auparavant étudiant en licence 3 économie option planification et développement économique, à l'Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ozou (Algerie) ; actuellement étudiant en Master M1 Gestion des territoires et développement local (GETEDELO) à l'Université Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (Université Paris-Saclay, France).


YE YUN-JINGI was born in Guangzhou, Southern city of China. Barchelor in Accounting and Managment in Guangdong University of Business study in China, and Master of Science in Luxury and Marketing Management in Skema Business School(Nice, France,2013). During my study in France, I fould myself very interested on relevant topics on Sustainable Development, and I was thinking about creating my own business, which would be innovative and good to the society and environment. Since I knew little about this...
ZHOU Hua Dong

ZHOU Hua Dong graduated from UVSQ (France) with an Applied Economics Doctorate.

ZORZI EnricoEnrico ZORZI est Docteur en Sciences Economiques, depuis janvier 2008. Ses travaux portent principalement sur le changement climatique et la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans les pays du Sud. Dans sa thèse il a analysé les questions de la gouvernance d’entreprise. Il a travaillé dans le cadre d’un projet intitulé «RS4E: Rénovation Scolaire, Energie, Education, Efficience, Exemplarité». Il a participé à des projets sur le Mécanisme de Développement Propre dans les pays du Sud.