Teaching programmes

M2 - Approches de l'économie circulaire: Biosphère, Territoires et Boucles de valeur (NON OUVERT)



The objective of this degree is to train professionals in ability to deal with complex issues of territorial innovation by using frames of  interdisciplinary analysis.

Especially, this Master's aims to provide skills to cover all the fields of engineering innovation rooted in the territories. Its originality is to consider jointly the evolution of innovation process, and the multidimensionality of rural and peri-urban areas by integrating issues of proximity, diversity of actors, latent networks and spatial contingencies. Innovation appears in both its aspects relating to technological criteria, but also in those related to organizational size and character increasingly collaborative, cultural, social, creative processes and their uses. The training is over as new joints are to be explored between the "territories" and arrangements of "innovation". Because Innovation should not be considered solely as a tool for economic development of a country. The territory is also a deposit of resources for innovation and enterprise. This course provides a link between the observation in the territories and the debates at the national, European and international level. Further, It aims to provide a framework for a process of dialogue between actors expanded to establish synergies from developing mechanisms to improve coordination and information sharing among stakeholders of rural and peri-urban . In here, three entry points are proposed:

- Innovation in the area to promote the creation of value chains with an optimal social acceptability

- Integrated analysis of urban and peri-urban areas in order to understand the structure of these complex systems (data on structural and microeconomic data production, analysis of product life cycle, assessment of the economic performance of companies , complex models ...)

- From the idea to the placing on the market from a pragmatic approach to economic analysis of product, market, planning, partnership, entrepreneurship, the use of finance (Business angels ...) .
Innovations, Territories and Proximity


Master 2
Campus or Site
REEDS/UVSQ, Rambouillet et AgroParisTech, Paris