Citizens Attitude & FeedBack regarding Energy Transition Technologies
Widespread deployment of energy transition technologies [henceforth ETTs] will largely depend
on the attitudes of consumers and citizens: Are they enthusiastic or reluctant? For what reasons?
Under what circumstances? What are their worries, their hopes? What are the roles of local and
regional/national policies and politics? Are there community-typical attitudes? What are the roles
of friends and family? Is common good valued against individual comfort? And so on.
It is requested that projects responding to the call should propose a methodology for structuring
these societal issues. In particular, it is hoped that, while salient results will in part require
focusing on specific technologies and specific application areas, some more general conclusions
and recommendations can be drawn from the analysis.
CAFETT project responds directly to this ambition of “general conclusions and
recommendations”. It will demonstrate the potential of interfacing multi-disciplinary expertise
about participatory evaluation process, exploiting state-of-the-art evaluation concepts and
contemporary social networking tools, as a robust framework for analysis and negotiation of the
social acceptability of ETTs.