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New mobility services and territorial development
Alexandre Grandrémy, president of the start-up Deways, locally based at Essec campus, described a good example with a proposal of services, based on students sharing and helping for mobility individual solutions.
With the SYSMO project 2015, public companies (including RATP, represented by Véronique Berthault ) and private partners, are working together to set up a new platform of systems and mobility services within the region of Grand Saclay-Saint Quentin.
The discussions tended to concentrate around projects on topics such as new approaches to mobility taking into account existing structure; the improvements of an existing railway station; and new services for rush hours.
Marie Francoise Guyonnaud introduced the workshop to emphasise the stakes in mobility for the future. The role of Fondaterra is to support and take part in this transition with all the partners involved, especially eco-innovators.
Philippe Gaudias, in charge of mobility of the Plateau de Saclay, gave the example of huge problems for this territory. The car is an exclusive transportation mode for inhabitants, which generates traffic congestion and encourages a lack of public transport services.
The SYSMO 2015 project will be a multimodal platform for all the users. The OIN (Operation d’Intérêt National) Plateau de Saclay is a main actor in this new transfer.
The first questions are: how to manage these changes, how to optimise the services and the “transport offer” for the users?
In Paris, one out of 10 people moves around by car. Quite the opposite is true for “the plateau de Saclay”, where the proportion is 9 to 10. The entire transportation network has to be redefined.
The main question is how to adjust the two key factors: mobility and urbanisation.
The SYSMO 2015 project aims at: Intelligent mobility, solutions for users in the Grand West Suburb of Paris. Partners are: Ademe, Caps, Reeds, Institute telecom, CEA, Greencove, Mov’eo, SNCF, RATP, Fondaterra. SYSMO is a laboratory in term of a new global approach. It is the reason why Fondaterra is involved in this innovative project.
The main objectives of the project are: to set up a multimodal information system (Private partners, public such as SNCF, RATP, …); to establish a sharing mobility service, new parking service, a dynamic approach of eco-carpooling / “eco-voiturage”/car sharing (with new points, in the railway station for example). Thus, the car is going to become a “public” way of transport. Linked to this new approach, the stake for all car network and stakeholders is the energy efficiency of individual transportation. The project concerning electrical cars takes into account environmental, social, ecological aspects. The proportion of vehicles using petrol is going to decrease, the proportion of electricvehicles (batteries and full-electric) is now the potential market.
The company Vedecom is developing a worldwide platform for road traffic. Since July 2012, a partnership has been created - a unique combination of four sectors: industry, academic, eco-mobility, stakes holders and active actors, bringing together 300 people. The future belongs to new modes of individual transportation and mobility, and this is already visible – for example with Mov’Eo and its vehicle eco-mobility, creating new ways of individual travelling, integrated within the urban tissue, and the infrastructure territory.
Jérôme Perrin, President of Vedecom, explaining the Mov'eo innovation.
Sometimes, innovation for mobility can be just an innovative idea, coming from a real need. That is the case for the new organisation for sharing mobility in the ESSEC Campus.
Alexandre Grandrémy has created his start-up, at the beginning just from a logistical personal problem. The solution was: “Lend me your car”. Nowdays, this “well-known” start-up from the business school and campus of Cergy Pontoise is set to grow – it has the ambition of setting up a new national mobility service for students through the project “Anyways”. This will go along with a social network for the student’s mobility, to promote patrimony and cultural activities for students.
Nathalie Granes, from Ile de France Region, emphasised the point that the orientation for a new eco-mobility for the region has been taken, involving official policies. The main objectives are to promote sharing of projects, approaches, best solutions for mobility services. The objective is to show the potential of the development, understanding new mobility and building the process of change.
All the “New Mobility Services” are real innovations: products, technology and services.
Reporters: Teodora Morar and Hélène Luciani
Nathalie Granes – Region Ile de France – Direction of territory.
Jérôme Perrin – IEED – President of Vedecom.
Marie Françoise Guyonnaud – President of Fondaterra.
Philippe Gaudias – EPPS – In charge of mobility for the Plateau de Saclay.
Véronique Berthaud – RATP –
Alexandre Grandrémy – President of Deways.
Link to Sysmo 2015:,Alexandre_CEA_cle...
Link to Mov’eo:
Link to Deways blog: