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Control Challenges Related to Renewable Energy Integration into City Smartgrids



Regarded as complex systems, Smartgrids are characterized by a large number of elements with complex interconnections, nonlinear and discontinuous operation, with involvement of multiple actors with diverse backgrounds. Further, uncertainties typically exist in the characterization of the elements and interconnections which compose the systems, and may result into vulnerabilities for their secure functioning. Moreover, the newness of the Smartgrid concept as well as the amount of complexity embedded in these systems often leads to difficulties in the system modeling and evolution.

The current multidisciplinary research aims at understanding of engineering and non-engineering challenges for Smartgrids design and integration. The research program focuses at developing state-of-the-art mathematical/simulation models of Smartgrid systems with potential application of anomaly detection and optimization of energy consumption.

In the first phase, my work aimed at building foundation for my further applied research and focuses on study of electricity networks or Smartgrids from the point of view of complex system. This approach allows to leave pure engineering view of electricity infrastructures and to enlarge their boundaries by considering other domains such as society, economics, politics, and legislation. The major challenge of this research is to identify complex systems characteristics which could be also attributed to Smartgrids and to analyze these properties from the point of view of vulnerability they can generate at the stages of Smartgrids design, integration and functioning. Eventually, modeling and analysis methods used to represent complex systems are reviewed in order to identify the most adapted tool, which could be used to model and to analyze Smartgrids properties.

The parallel work aims to elaborate and to validate innovative methodologies to model complex systems such as electricity distribution grid with presence of renewable energies, as well as electrical vehicles, and to take into account their intermittent character and to integrate random mechanical failures of production units capable to considerably affect energetic performance of Smartgrids. For this purpose the agent-based approach is considered.

Contact : Elizaveta KUZNETSOVA
ECONOVING International Chair
UniverSud Paris / University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Office 305, 5/7 Bd d'Alembert - Bâtiment d'Alembert 78280 Guyancourt, FRANCE

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