Collaborative Projects
The concept of a "Zone Libellule" (acronym for Biological Free Zone and the struggle against emerging pollutants) has been formulated by Lyonnaise des Eaux (LDE) in order to crystalise the concept of using a natural biodiversity in wet areas as a way of cleaning and treating. In a way, it’s a matter of gambling on the meeting of two types of diversity: (i) The capacities of a diversity of species and ecosystems (ii) control of the large variety of micropollutants which are present in water, often in very weak concentrations beyond the limits of detection by traditional means. The aim, in general terms, is to explore if and in what sense, Zone Libellule® à la Boissière (ZLB) can respond to the demands of sustainable territorial development. More particularly, the study means to characterise the diverse ecological, sanitary and societal functions that a Zone Libellule® could eventually give the Boissière and, to define the conditions for a large-scale appropriation of the opportunity for this Zone Libellule.
It is a matter of developing the analytical framework and parties involved who would give the go-ahead for the impact assessment of project ZLB, seen not as a waste mitigator for a harmful industrial project but, rendering the region (Elancourt, St-Quentin-en-Yvelines) more attractive socially as much as economically. In order to gain a complete profile of potential benefits – and also any inconvenient occurrences – of the ZLB, it is necessary to join together diverse components of society such as the ones most heavily involved. The process of consultation is therefore not limited a simple data collection. Throughout the study, the question asked concerns opportunities to structure a negotiation between Urban Living Lab Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and other parties involved. The consultation processes of our study constitute the first steps towards a large appropriation of a ZLB project, in terms of where this last is recognised as reasonable in a collection of clearly attached criteria. The framing study has provided an opportunity to define and encourage the emergence of conditions that allow appropriation by the parties carrying the ZLB and to recommend technical elements in order to reinforce this appropriation in the instance where the ZLB project would be followed up.
The study specifies the substantive and procedural conditions for success of the Zone Libellule at the Boissière (ZLB) project.
On the substantive plan it will pinpoint how, by associating on the same territory, direct economic uses, collective and indirect leisure uses and non-commercial advantages can at once give rise to a diverse flow of economic activity, of gains in purchase-power, in more of an environmental quality that accords an interest in the preservation of biodiversity and in carbon-capture. On the procedural plan it spells out the tools and modalities for consultation, participative evaluation and accompaniment of successive stages of the ZLB project, which will facilitate the appropriation of the stakeholders and through that the fulfillment of the range of potential benefits. On the substantive plan four evaluation approaches are considered relevant :
- To envisage the green and blue spaces (EVB) as production support
- To envisage the EVBs as natural infrastructure : it’s a matter of collective services replacing those that could provide artificial infrastructure such as flood protection
- To limit the erosion of biodiversity and to contribute locally to restoring the biodiversity
- To support the development of a local green economy. It’s a matter of developing an analytical framework and of consultation between partners and stakeholders which would allow evaluation of the impact of the ZLB project, where the objective is not to mitigate damage from a harmful industry but to render the region more attractive socially as well as economically.
This project enabled the exploration of if, and in what sense, a Zone Libellule® at the Boissière (ZLB) can answer demands of territorial sustainable development. More particularly, the study shows the diversity of ecological, sanitary and societal functions that a Zone Libellule® could currently give to the Boissière and to define conditions for a large societal appropriation of this Zone Libellule opportunity.