Collaborative Projects
Possible Futures of Domaine de Rambouillet
Strong challenges that exist in mediation and sustainable development in the Domaine de Rambouillet. Converge here both different representations of values related to Domaine national de Rambouillet given the historical dimension, agricultural and educational dimension of the activities of the site. However, this wealth requires guidance, future prospects in a sustainable development approach allowing the site to continue.
The purpose of this study is to try to draw paths for the future of the Domaine de Rambouillet involving all stakeholders. The study will be based on public meetings initiated in 2011 by the Sub-prefecture of Rambouillet. Three lines of thought and action were identified: tourism, agricultural production, teaching and research.
We thought that this study could be carried out in the framework of an educational project by the students of the Master 2 "Environmental Knowledge and Mediation" at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. In fact, their training directly applicable to this type of area, an advanced search on multi-criteria/multi-players. Students are encouraged to develop their skills and use the tools learned in the course of their training.
The approach is to base on INTEGRAAL method developed by the international research centre REEDS. This method aims to structure the phases of consultation and cooperation between actors. It is to make it more readable diversity issues and perspectives related to an issue. The study proceeds in several steps:
Step 1 is through a set of domain context to inform students of issues and problems. This first step will set the stage of inquiry among students by working on the survey system.
Step 2 is the investigation itself. It is a qualitative survey type where players are invited to comment on the possible actions removed from the Prefecture work in 2011. Students will have to conduct the responsible of surveys among stakeholders. From a choice of actions we invite stakeholders to match their choices with the values associated of Domain de Rambouillet. You can then use the deliberation tool “KerDEST” developed by centre REEDS to build a visual representation of the respondents' answers.
The third step is to identify future scenarios for the Domaine de Rambouillet.
The process project is also an educational action. It is also a factor of cohesion between the various stakeholders of the Domaine de Rambouillet.
So the process is to establish a high level of trust between the different actors through the sharing of common goals. Beyond its pedagogical project is expected to generate future scenarios, a structured vision for the future of the Domaine.
The final products and deliverables will be several kinds. First, a formalization of the educational process with working papers to design and development of the investigation for students.
Then, students will provide a mini report with an analysis of interviews (2-3 respondents). This work will explain and visualise the different views expressed. A synthetic restitution shall thereafter be provided.
Together of these surveys provide a basis for the description of possible scenarios (futures) for the Domaine de Rambouillet. A final synthesis report will be an informative support reflection.
Partners : Domaine de Rambouillet (ONF & Bergerie nationale)
Partners : Domaine de Rambouillet (ONF & Bergerie nationale)