Welcome in the Deliberation Support Tools Gallery


The Deliberation Support Tools v5 Gallery aims to provide a set of tools used in a multi-criteria evaluation.
This is a place where categories of actors (Stakeholders) can deliberate about any kind of problematic, in an organised framework following the INTEGRAAL method.

Objects of the Gallery

  • Worksite
  • KRR(KerBabel Representation Rack)
  • DM(Deliberation Matrix)
  • K4U(KerBabel for You)



  • Worksites define the scope of evaluation work.
  • KRRs define pertinent Indicators in a specififc context. Knowledge Carriers setup pertinent Indicator list for each cross of Objects to Compare (like Scenarios for example), Issues and Method&Tools axes. A pertinence index of 1, 2 or 4 is assigned to Indicators. All indicators of index 4(strongest pertinence) produce the Indicator Candidates that will be used by a dependent DM or K4U. Knowledge Carrier can discuss about each indicator via specific Forums.
  • DMs define an evaluation process. They are of three types:
    • DM type 1: Stakeholders are filling each cell of the Matrix by entering a judgement. Each judgement value is assigned to a color.
    • DM type 2:  It works the same as above but each judgement is created picking up Indicators from a Kik. At each cell, 1 to 5 indicators may be used. It creates a "Basket of Indicators". A relative weight is assign to indicate which indicator is more or less important in the basket. Each judgement weight are summed up, then compared. The bigger value win and produces the overall color of the basket. This is the resulting display of the cell. A toggle button display or hide indicators of the overall Matrix. New Indicators can be added to the Kik, adding them to the Indicator selector, available for the entire DM.
    • DM type 3: Here the Indicator selector shows the Indicator Candidates, coming from the parent KRR(an ex-ante process). New Indicators can be added(ex-post) to the Indicator Candidates selector, extending the list to all Stakeholders, and extending the Kik used by the KRR.
  • K4Us define performance evaluation. This type of evaluation needs a KRR done for this purpose. The KRR deals with Top-Goals and Sug-Goals issues. Doing a K4U means building an assessment for a particular case study. A specific algorithm converts and agregates each indicator value to draw a final spider diagram that weights each Top-Goals.


Objects relationships

  • One Workiste is a parent of zero to many KRR and/or zero to many DM(type 1, 2 or 3),
  • One KRR is a parent of zero to one DM type 3, or zero to one K4U,
  • a KRR is crosslinked to one Kik
  • a DM type 3 uses its KRR's Kik
  • a DM type 2 uses its own crosslinked Kik
  • a KA4 uses its KRR's Kik and its crosslinked K4U Algorithm


Crosslink with "Les Kiks" and "Methods&Tools" Galleries

To perform evaluations Indicators and Algorithms may be used. It is required by  KRR, DM type 2 or 3, and K4U. Particular crosslinks must exist to indicate to the KRR, the DM or the K4U which Kik's Indicators need to be taken or which Algorithm should be used. So the crosslink has a different meaning in complex Galleries: they enable some features.

For KRR, and dependant objects (DM type 3 and K4U), one unique crosslink must be done at the upper level: the Worksite. Then we end up with one only Worksite-Kik crosslink to deal with the objects previously cited.

For DM type 2, one direct crosslink with a Kik is required. It works differently from DM type 3 because it does not depend on a KRR to read through a Kik. To be clear: no Worksite-Kik is needed for DM type 2. However, a Worksite can be parent of different objects like KRR, DM type 1, 2 and 3. Then a Worksite can get a Kik crosslink(that will be used by a KRR and/or DM type 3 and/or K4U), and it can get one to many DM type 1 or 2 childs, the latter having their own Kik crosslinked.

For K4U, an assessment is done regarding to a specific algorithm object of the Methods&Tools Gallery. We may have one to many K4U Algorithm object crosslinked with a K4U. More instructions are given when creating a K4U object.

For DM type 1, no crosslink are needed. This type of DM only depends on a Worksite parent object.


About crosslinks

Many combination of crosslinks may exists for each object. Don't be confused between standard crosslinks, that link objects through ePLANETe to create a motivated navigation experience, and "technical" crosslinks who are in charge to  enable standard features of this Gallery. The standard crosslinks is genereally using a "Promixity with" relation type. Relation types of  "Link"(to target a Kik) or "Lookup"(to target a K4U Algorithm) are used to enable standard features in DST  Gallery.

Also, there is a difference between parent-to-child relationship and crosslink. A parent-to-child relation binds the child to its parent. A child cannot exist without parent. The parent is a container object. In DST Gallery, an evaluation is limited to a Worksite. That is why KRR, DM and K4U are dependant child of a Worksite.
This relation parent-to-child is NOT done by crosslink. Standard crosslinks are aimed to link objects of different Galleries in a motivated way. It helps to navigate from an object to an other. There is no particular indication about why this relation exists.